President - Tatkare Charitable Trust

img1 Education is the key to create a society it is a fact that education is a dynamic process in which innovative thoughts are supplemented persistently to impart the knowledge and different skills to an individual in progressive approach. There is no better way to pay back to the society by creating and developing the energetic and productive personalities, by offering new opportunity to the learners and giving fairness to all. It is one of the most essential indications of human development, the importance of which cannot be undermined. It unlocks the treasure that lies within all of us.

For achieving excellence in all spheres of technical education; our institution has a set specific objectives and we planned each and every activities. Our vision is based on hard work, open communication, a strong emphasis on team work and a high level of responsibility. We are striving to give shape to the vision with the help of a dedicated team of leaders, administrators, academic planners and competent teachers who are trying their best to fulfill the aspirations of all those who have admitted their children with dreams in their eyes. We strongly believe in academic excellence & don't comprise on teaching standards or discipline.

Teachers are the movers of an education system. Our teachers are active, highly qualified, self - motivated and hardworking. The visionary culture allows and emphasizes our teachers not only to adopt the present day challenges but also individual responsibilities to the society and our nation at large. We must make sure that they are aware of, and carry out this responsibility to the best of their ability.

The academics and extracurricular activities, add a remarkable educational experience in student's life hence, In SGDTP we all are strive to achieve the overall growth of an individual by providing excellent academics and along with this we focus on over all development of student by organizing various seminars, expert lectures, state level competition, project exhibition, inter departmental competition, sports, annual events to build up confidence in students so that they can achieve their goals and deal effectively with their present and future life situations. All of us want our students to succeed in all their endeavors. We are confident that in the upcoming years we shall equip our students with not only the basic knowledge of their concerned discipline but also a deep insight into it, so that they can stand on their own and achieve perfection in the careers of their choice.

As the president,I look forward to the full contribution and cooperation of the students and parents to make it possible for us to transform those dreams into reality. And if there is any assistance that you might need, may it be personal or professional, I shall always be willing to hear from you. I hope you will give our institution, the opportunity to prepare your son or daughter for a happy and successful future. I wish you all the best!



Secretary - Tatkare Charitable Trust

img2 Engineers play the most vital and important role in nation building. They create new inventions using best engineering technologies to make human life more comfortable, secure and productive. In current times, nations which have rich engineering and experienced management domains are flourishing economically and are providing better lives to their people. Technical education is the most powerful tool to bring desirable changes in our personality and also bring progress to our society and it is possible only, if men and women are equally well-educated. Technical education is the only medium which enables you to move from darkness to brightness. The entire purpose of technical education is not to restrict itself to imparting bookish knowledge only but inculcate humanitarian values like wisdom, compassion, courage, humility, integrity and reliability in a student.

Blessed with a vision and an untrammeled thirst to nurture the society, the Smt. Geeta D. Tatkare Polytechnic founded in the year of 2012.

One of the leading and reputed institute in the raigad region, the institution has catalyzed the scenario of technical education since then by imparting quality education in five core disciplines such as Civil, Chemical, Computer, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering of technical field.Apart from the affix and mainstream courses, the institution offers various vocational and job oriented courses to give learners an edge over others in the job market by chiseling their communication, computer and other soft skills. We believe in providing ample opportunities in engineering education is one of the most fundamental obligations we owe to our students because in SGDTP we are driven by the belief that every student deserves a high quality education.

With best infrastructure, techno-savy ambience, latest gadgets to equip one to stride with competitive fervor, ever increasing new job oriented courses, career- counseling and highly enthused qualified teachers - we earnestly endeavor to help you in realizing your dreams and make you better human beings. We hope that the long list of distinguished alumni who are serving administration, education, corporate etc. would galvanize the youth into positive direction for the development of society. Last but not least I am thankful to you for showing interest in Smt. Geeta D. Tatkare Polytechnic. As a future student you are welcome to explore different available options in various academic programs.



Registrar- Tatkare Charitable Trust

img1 Welcome to SGDTP.... We strongly believe that education is a collaborative effort that involves professional administrators, committed teachers and motivated students. We dedicate ourselves as professional administrators in creating a dynamic education program empowering the students in a global perspective. The growth of each individual student is our focus. We recognize that as 'we work together and learn together' students will be best able to achieve their potential. We firmly believe that every girl and boy can experience success and go on to graduate as a responsible, resilient and confident young adult, well prepared to take charge of their future and to become a productive member of the community.

Our Faculty members are consistently follows current trends and after brainstorming over the best plan of action to incorporate those trends. The students extension are offered many opportunities to explore their interests and investigate new ideas. We offer many clubs, activities, sports and a large variety of musical ventures that our students can participate in.

Many of our students are involved in a variety of extracurricular activities that allow them the opportunity to grow at their own pace in a safe, nurturing environment.Our list of clubs, activities and other extracurricular offering are broadened each year with a hope to have something that interests every student. The students are encouraged to take part in all the internal and external events and are given enough guidance and practice be well equipped with the skills, mind sets and qualities that will best enable them to strive for success in the world of the future. Our children are intelligent, resilient, creative, imaginative, disciplined, respectful, ethical and would remain dedicated to life-long learning. With the nurturing them, they would definitely become the future leaders and role models of society.

We are a group of diverse experiences and outlooks, committed to excellence in preparing learners for enriched opportunities worldwide. In short, learning at SGDTP is a wholesome package of attitude, challenge and opportunity.

I, on behalf of SGDTP family welcome all the students and wish you all the best for achieving greater success and scaling new heights in the coming session.



President - Tatkare Charitable Trust